Go vegan and win a shot at Beyoncé and Jay-Z tickets for life

Go vegan and win a shot at Beyoncé and Jay-Z tickets for life

“What is your Greenprint?” asked Beyoncé in an Instagram post yesterday. To which many fans may have wondered ‘What *is* a Greenprint?’ The answer: it’s “the positive impact we can have on the world by eating planet-based meals” – a growing-in-popularity facet to the wider debate around climate change. The Greenprint website helps people to understand what impact they might have by eating more plant-based meals, and encourages them to make commitments ranging from “All plants. All the time” to just “plant-based for breakfast” or “meatless Mondays”. Anyway, the reason Music Ally is covering this is the Beyoncé and Mr-Beyoncé angle: fans signing up for The Greenprint will be entered into a competition to win tickets to any Beyoncé or Jay-Z concerts for the rest of their life. Although the terms and conditions stress that this is a maximum of 30 years, so you’re out of luck if you were hoping to bag seats for the pair’s Vegas run when they’re 67 and 79 respectively… Unfortunately for international fans, the contest is also for US residents only.

Source: Music Ally