Childish Gambino Dances His Way Onto Google Pixel Smartphones

Childish Gambino Dances His Way Onto Google Pixel Smartphones

Childish Gambino Dances His Way Onto Google Pixel Smartphones

One of the points we’ve been making about augmented-reality (AR) technology over the past year is that the biggest impact for artists from it will come from campaigns using the big social/tech platforms with AR features: Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook etc. Now Childish Gambino is testing another angle: appearing as an animated character in the ‘Playground’ mode on Google’s latest Pixel Android smartphones. Playground is a feature in the devices’ camera app to insert digital stickers (‘playmoji’) into the owner’s photographs and videos. Childish Gambino now has his own playmoji, which dances to three of his tracks: ‘Redbone,’ ‘Summertime Magic’ and (of course!) ‘This is America’. “We worked closely with Childish Gambino and his music video choreographer, Sherrie Silver, to make sure the Playmoji’s dance moves rival those of Childish Gambino himself,” explained Google in a blog post. “He even reacts to your facial expressions in real time thanks to machine learning – try smiling or frowning in selfie mode and see how he responds.” Fans are being invited to share their videos on socials with the #pixeldanceoff hashtag.

Source: Music Ally