Music Bodies Hail ‘Balanced’ Article 13 Final Text

Music Bodies Hail ‘Balanced’ Article 13 Final Text

Even with a final text approved for the proposed new European copyright directive, nobody on either side of the lobbying debate around it is taking it for granted that the battle is over. It’s notable that music-rightsholder bodies have welcomed the text though. “We need to see the final text, but this legislation will be the first time anywhere in the world that there is absolute confirmation that user upload services are covered by copyright and need a licence,” said Impala’s executive chair Helen Smith. “We are pleased and relieved to hear that the EU has achieved an effective and well-balanced version of the Copyright Directive,” added AIM CEO Paul Pacifico. “Reports indicate that the final draft agreed last night in Trilogue demonstrates that opinions from all sides have been heard, expertly weighed and incorporated to deliver a strong workable compromise text that enables the market to function fairly and more effectively in the digital age.” PRS for Music boss Robert Ashcroft mirrored the cautious wait-and-see welcome. “Our mission has only ever been to achieve a fair and functioning digital market and, as a result, fair reward for creators. Subject to final scrutiny of the text and the forthcoming vote in Parliament it looks today as though we are going to achieve our aim.”

Source: Music Ally