Alikoto Harnesses The Healing Power Of The Moon With ‘Osram’

Alikoto Harnesses The Healing Power Of The Moon With ‘Osram’

Alikoto Harnesses The Healing Power Of The Moon With ‘Osram’

Alikoto seeks to champion the battle against mental health challenges through his music. He believes that by releasing music that calms and relaxes the mind and soul, distractions and chaotic thoughts can better be controlled in the mind by creating a more peaceful and ‘friendly’ space which allows listeners to calm down, relax and even fall asleep easily.

Osram artwork

‘Osram’ is an Akan word which means moon. This song was created with the healing energy of the full moon in mind. Melodies from a popular Ghanaian lullaby, Tuu Tuu Bobi, were adapted on the wooden xylophone to create a sense of nostalgia and create a connection to infancy which Alikoto believes can help create a sense of peace and calmness for the listener.
Watch Osram visualiser on YouTube

Elements of rain sounds and night sounds were laced in this song to help create a more relaxing effect on the listener. Alikoto ensured that African instruments like Djembe, Wooden Mallet, Marimba and Viola were also used in creating this masterpiece.

This song was made possible through Smokey The Creator who helped with music production.

Osram on Spotify